Modular Light Weight Speed Bump
It is the world’s lightest modular rubber speed bump, which will never chip, rot or corrode. Correct Door’s Modular Light Weight Speed Bump is 100% made of Recycled PVC, its flexibility allows it to contour to road crown.
- EndCap: 5” Safety Snap on End Cap – sloped modular profile prevents tripping by pedestrians.
- Yellow Plates: Each speed bump section is embedded with (6) yellow safety plates of weather resistant, composite material for protection from salt, freeze and thaw.
- Can be used as a cable cover – bottom sides include 1” x 1½” channels for protecting temporary or permanent cables or hoses.
- 36” long x 10.5” wide x 2” high (main piece)
- A standard speed bump system section includes (2) main pieces, (2) endcaps x 5” long and (1) connector clip. Main pieces may be added and connected to form larger units. Weighs only 10lbs./pc. – ships at a fraction of the cost of heavier speed bumps.
- Residential roads
- Shopping centers
- Laneways
- Drive Through
- Commercial indoor garages ,Residential indoor garages – great vehicle stopper