TNR CHILLFAST high speed Freezer Door
The ideal high speed door for savings in energy consumption
• NEMA-4 Motor with frequency inverter providing maximum opening speed of 75″ per second and 30″ per second to close (depending on door size).
• PVC insulated curtain resistant to extreme temperatures -30˚C to +40˚C (-22˚F to +104˚F).
- Suitable for applications up to 12 feet in width and 16 feet in height
- Anodized extruded aluminum guides with EPDM profiles for better insulation
- Heating system within the guides and bottom bar to prevent ice buildup
- PVC insulated curtain resistant to extreme temperatures
- Aluminum door hood with white finish
- Direct Drive with inverter panel and digital encoder
- Soft Start Soft Stop using Inverter technology